

  • Ethan Simmonds
  • Harry Smith
  • Stephen Joe

Momentum is a fast-paced, physics-based puzzle-laced platformer where you solve labyrinth rooms in order to obtain the key fragments needed to return home. Putting the almighty Newton's second law of motion into effect will be critical to traversing the terrain and navigating your way through each level.


  • Controls are available from the landing menu, under the "Options" tab

Known issues

  • The infamous "stairs bug" plaguing all times of development has largely been fixed. Extreme fringe cases still exist. Only a hard level reset can fix this glitch if you encounter it.
  • Occasionally, the key indicators in the Hub World will be swapped for levels 3 and 4 - this doesn't effect gameplay at all but it may be confusing. Reloading the Hub World will fix this.


  • All sound effects and music are royalty-free and sourced from a variety of websites offering lenient free-use licensing