- Daniel Blaikie
- Samuel Fern
- Black MacDade
- Sayyed (Abdul Latif) Syed Zin
Rebirth is a top-down puzzle game where you play as a king whose castle has been sacked by a rival kingdom. After seeking the help of an evil witch and learning how to travel through time, you must advance through the castle to complete puzzles involving jumping between two time periods of the castle's history, to warn your past self about the attack.
- All menus, including settings menu sliders, are controlled using arrow keys or W,A,S,D keys rather than the mouse.
- The Escape key can be used to pause the game.
- Use [Space or E] to interact with objects such as levers and buttons.
- All other controls are covered in the "Controls" section of the main menu.
- Power Spots:
- Can be used to "time jump".
- Levers:
- Can be pulled and un-pulled to trigger things like doors.
- Levers activated in the past will be activated in the present, but not vice versa.
- Guards:
- Will not let the player past unless they have a document.
- Notes:
- Allow the player to read them once interacted with.
- Combination Puzzles:
- The player must press the buttons in a specified order to unlock a door.
- A reset button can be used to reset the combination.
- Keys:
- Keys are rewarded whenever the player finishes a puzzle.
- The player must collect all the keys to unlock the door to the throne room.
Known issues
- We weren't able to get a good time jump animation together, so we had to scrap it altogether.
- [time jump text not registering properly???]
- Lighting is a little bit awkward.
- Sound doesn't ever play on Safari, nor does the cutscene. It definitely works on Firefox, though.
- The cutscene at the beginning doesn't play upon restarting the game, for some odd reason.
- Cutscene Edited by Daniel Blaikie.
- Cutscene Art by Abi Fern and Matthew Larson.
- Music from "Traveler's Last Wish", "Last Hope", "Secret Passage (Main)", "One Last Try", "Breathe (Daylights)", "Breathe (Under The Sea)", "Requiem"
- Four Chords by Blake MacDade.
- Sound effects from "Knocking Door" by dersuperanton, "Footsteps_Walk" by Nox_Sound, "rocker_switch" by joedeshon, "Door, Front, Opening, A", "Door, Wooden, Close, A (H1)" by Jonathan Shaw