Saviour of the Lamb


  • Danuda Jayawardena (Artist and Animator)
  • Daniel Robinson (Primary Programmer)
  • Will Rushton (Secondary Programmer and Game Designer)

Saviour of the Lamb is a 2D top-down shooter where you play as a farmer who must fight cultists to save his lamb and lead it home. It is set at night in the eerie forest surrounding the farmer’s property. The cultists will attack you with crossbows, staffs, fire spells, and they will try to snatch your lamb and take it away. You must fight back with a crossbow and a pair of sharp wool shears.

We recommend full-screen for the best experience. You can use "Escape" to exit full-screen at any time.

In the menu, the "Start" button starts a new game and erases your old game's progress. The "Continue" button lets you play from the start of your most recently visited level. You can return to the menu or quit the game at any time and your progress will be saved.


  • WASD - Movement
  • Shift - Dash
  • Mouse - Aim
  • Left Click - Use Weapon
  • Space - Switch Weapon
  • P - Pause

Known issues

  • Please DO NOT use Safari to run our game because full-screen will not work and the sound will become garbled. We recommend you use Google Chrome. Thank you.
