Visitor From Above
- Connor Johnstone - Programmer, Artist
- Valentina Concha Vargas - Artist, Level Design, Music
- Sivert Asakskogen - Programmer
- Diego Olivera Gonzalez - Level Design, Artist.
Visitor From Above is a two dimensional platformer game where the player crash lands on a planet, losing their memory, and has to complete tasks set by the planet's inhabitants to get the parts of the ship back and finish their mission.
- W,A,S,D - to move up, left, down and right;
- Q - to interact with NPCs and other interactable objects;
- Enter - to get to the next dialogue box.
- Level 1: Save the Cat!
- A,D to move left or right.
- Space or W - to jump again for double jump.
- Left shift or G - to use the grapple gun.
- K or right click - to use hover boots.
- J or left click - to shoot gun.
- Q to interact with exit door.
- Esc - to pause
Level 2: Clean out the cave!
Known issues
- Camera is wonky when the scene first loads.
- If player is holding down a movement key as the top down level loads. The player will move when they should be frozen as dialogue shows up.
- Closeby interactable entities might give unclear indication as to which entity is in focus for use of interaction ability (Q).
- At the rare occasion, leaving interaction distance with one entity, will still have it available, even after coming in contact/closer to another interactable entity.